Young people and naturism
France’s naturist tradition is well established. Although more and more people are treading French soil to experience the joys of respectful, tolerant naturism, naturism among the younger generation is still a low-profile phenomenon. Let’s take stock…
A modest generation?
Although the practice of naturism has gradually been democratised after decades of prudishness, the generations born in the 1990s and 2000s tend to put their clothes back on. Yet naturism has never excluded young people – quite the contrary. Naked, differences of age or wealth become blurred, reinforcing the personality of an often disorientated adolescent. In the nude, we assume ourselves as we are, disregarding complexes and other imperfections that become minor.
Naturism to boost teenagers' confidence
Getting closer to Mother Nature, in a group, to encourage self-respect, respect for others and respect for the environment. The fundamentals of naturism are not easily assimilated by teenagers. Once past the stage of carefree childhood, young teenagers are troubled by physiological changes, and sometimes find themselves terribly complexed by a few imperfections, which they tend to exaggerate. But that’s what naturism is all about: accepting your body, regaining confidence and learning to put things into perspective.
The Association des Jeunes Naturistes de France (AJNF) continually seeks to promote this lifestyle among 14-27 year-olds, by organising themed outings, cultural activities and trips. “It was impossible for me to wear boxer shorts to the swimming pool, but I realised that I felt much better naked. Taking up naturism has given me self-confidence and helped me change my mindset”, explains Christopher, a member of AJNF. Is naturism a miracle cure for teenage problems?